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Loom of 13 Moons by Willow

Loom of 13 Moons by Willow (c)
Truth may be found below or above
With my feet on the ground
and my head full of love
So show me the path, as it lies in between
The concrete destruction and the life oozing green
Ways between worlds, to fly high – to swim deep
From the dank, dark wood realm,
to the stone – mason’s keep
Bridging the gap between black and the white
The sun beams and moon rays of daytime and night
The arc of a Rainbow soars way past beyond
As a circle’s completed, Disk, Sword, Cup and Wand
For my heart is my truth and my mind but a tool
To maintain the mainstay of the green manic fools
For my mind stands to serve me, to fulfil my truth
As I dance on through Eden in eternity’s youth
A serpent song sounding of birth’s sweet caress
To rise above chaos in the life I possess
Well, the spheres they keep turning, the seasons move in
Between I stand strong now, for my world to begin
To sing a truth sharing my love for the Earth
To celebrate life and the joy of my birth
To drum out my heart as the healing takes hold
For some it is said, shine a light pure as gold
So waken deer soul for the dance to begin
In this marriage of starlight and my fire from within
Well I came to this realm from ways high above –
To learn of the Earth song and to learn to be love
copyright 1997 G.Willow Seeger

La Lune by Lee Tree

La Lune by Lee Tree (c)
~ 93k ~

I see the moon
and the moon sees me
in crystal clear connected ?/ sea
oceans of energy rise and fall
under the warm silver shining ss????? silken shining
and as dawn cuts free earth
from night time moon dance
we are free free falling
in love we are falling
in love

Dance of Dreams by Tegwyn

Dance of Dreams by Tegwyn (c)

I got something to tell you
I got something to tell you
Now how do I explain
Don’t go thinking I’m insanely sane
But maybe things ain’t quite what they seem
Let me tell you about the people in my dreams
‘Cause they play like the pixies
And they fly like the fairies
They make the wishes of the wizards
And they make love like the mermaids of the morning.
It’s the place where stardust rains
And the children fly with the flames
And the lovers dance from cloud to cloud
Singing souls out loud
It’s the place I link to your face
There are nice people there
They wear flowers in their hair
And they dance and they sing
living the life they love
So maybe things are quite as they seem
As we’re dancing the dance of dreams
‘Cause we play like the pixies
And we fly like the fairies
We make the wishes of the wizards
And then we’ll make love like the mermaids of the morning.


sketch2pokPok is a Space Goat

Pok at Tribal Voices

this is: by Pok (c)2001

please see also: Space Goats webpage here at Tribal Voices

and Goatborg Unbound a psychedelicised radio play concerning events at Twyford Down road protest and bokbook.htm (March2001)

15th March 2001.

It’s Pok again resuming my sporadic diary of events. Been in London working as steward at the Drome, earning money to pay Dave at Mandala enough for me to finish the album ROCK ‘N’ ROLL PROPHESY.

This passion to record has also got me roaming London by foot at night also doing flyers outside nightclubs. Strange nocturnal wonderland if you got the imagination , interesting certainly…

And with some of the money i also ended up in Switzerland seeing friends and experiencing the forbidden protest aagainst the yearly World Economic Forum (W.E.F.) globalisation conference in Davos skiing village. This was a whole story, and when I got back i found that the Dada movement, cited as major influence on punk, was started at the Caberet Voltaire nightclub in the city i had just left, Zurich.

Since i have been writing this journal here and there i have been making this new style old style rock n roll music because i am tired of people chattering whe youre delivering your sounds because you are eco-friendly, and play acoustic cheesegraters.

So im developing hopefully pretty scary music, which has leaked out here and there in the past year and a bit. This new album features songs that Warp goers may remember from our sets then, which were acoustical. Now i often use an electric band, which i wont try to describe.

Maybe lovers of old time goats will not like the new stuff. The upside of this is is that more and more relic material is being released from Mandala, on CD. There is

***Tribadelica….Now ***13 Moons in Motion (CD) ***The Legendary almost lost Mandala Masters (CD) …. Also in time a CD of first album *** Inamorata and Other Tales

which could go nice as a double cd with one you wont have heard, from deep goatee archives…


Both Rhymer and Inamorata feature stories with the songs which was the format for early Goat performances around fires at sacred and/or threatened places during 1993-5, before we joined Mandala.

There are also a lot of other bits and pieces of unreleased material that could even make 2 or 3 albums of old style and related songs.

That’s the Virtual Spacegoats, alive and well in the digital realm.

So you can hear old and new goatee sounds, hope it does ya good.

Love Pok.

Hello, Pok here,

Stumbling about due to various demogorgans lassooing me and dangling me over one of my abysses. However, IT@S COMING oh yeah….the Warp really fucked my spirit for all that up music and love , such a promising idea, but I just became sad and weary because we coulnt really play effectivly in the techno-conditions and I dont think the owners gave a damn for us. (Editor’s note from the future: Pok was actually wrong here, the owner is a lovely bloke and a year later there is an excellent and motley crewe keeping the Drome going… Exept as of March 2001 it has been evicted by the owners, Railtrack) So I have been brooding the new one and having plenty technical difficulties. So I took a few festies off later summer and have been chanting away and seeded some new ones.

Mr Free Rob Cannabis has put money up for recording a song of mine, “Smokescreen”, which is about cannabis prohibition and its many uses. I have asked Grant Showbiz rto produce it , which is cool because he wants to and he does Billy Bragg and did Gong. THink I m somewehere in between the two. Billy does Woodie Guthrie songs now, he is allowed to by Nora Guthrie and that means alot to me. My new songs, starting with Smokescreen are what I call infornmation songs, moving on from pixies one could say, but I know they have not gone away, merely changing shapes.

Good production needs good PROMOTION, and the likes of me and Rob will be coming up with some angles and with a little magic and contacts, who knows. It would be nice if an earth voice or two could be heard clearly.

Love P

I’ve got a new website at: checkout.. Jim Invisible’s brother website: soundgallery checkout.. Urban75 contacts list and.. George’s alternactive hotlinks me and george have just uploaded some pictures:

Hello, Pok here, it is February 17th 2000.

Tomorrow we’re going up to the the new Warp, now calling itself the RAVELATION EXPERIENCE at : Open , 144 Charing Cross road W1, London, 10pm Friday till 10pm Saturday . £ 15, (£10 concs) £8 from 5am, £5 all day Sat. …..FORTNIGHTLY from Friday 18th Feb, Fullmoon!!!


George has just quarbled with the computer and come up with this file. So here I am putting this in it.

In the early 90s I heard a man with an angel voice, Jeremy his name, who sang in a field upon the bare skin of mother earth a song that answered a question that my life was asking… where does it come from this SSOund?

There and then I knew the answer, or to say, found it.

Tina sat on an old elegantly scruffy sofa in same field , Johnny ‘Arris arms wide as his smile, walking down the sunny land his guitar hanging on him ready for transformations.

Too many moments to write down…these above from 1992, before Spacegoats came together. That is the band we made in a crop circle later that year. I had bought a mandolin and that changed most things. Became some of who I am, found the science of enhurument and had a jolly good time.

Now in 200 we have gone through many changes, urbanised our self to a certain degree and are extending our musiclove into the Babylon place.

The media tends to buzz about intentfully at many of the places we find ourselves, but has not done us any particular favours, but a recent appearance on Ali G is providing opportunities to be even better tarts than we have been.

With a new team we are setting out to once more enhuru the planet.


Mellowcroft – August 2012

Tribal Voices Recording Camp August 8th-13th 2012
At Mellowcroft near Haye on Wye, Wales

An amazing opportunity to utilise the Holistic and harmonic beauty of Mellowcroft Wales and bring together celebration of music and poetry… Tribal Voices are hosting a recording camp. Giving the opportunity to come and record your songs/poetry in a beautiful surrounding. Fully supported by fellow musicians and poets,.. Have you got any music, poems that you want to share with your friend and family, or use to promote to get gigs?..Tribal Voices are dedicated to help you,,,Provide a platform for you to show case yourselves…Costs are £50 for our 5 day recording camp.x